FAQQuestions and Answers

  • What prices are our services? +

    Our standard program with one dancer starts at $175. We do charge more for longer travel times ($75/hour) or custom services.
  • What is our deposit refund policy? +

    The deposit is non refundable. It guarantees your dancer and is non-refundable. We turn down other events because you hired us.
  • What payments methods do we accept? +

    Paypal, Major Credit Cards, Corporate Check
  • How far do we travel? +

    We charge a $75/dancer per hour travel fee. We have traveled to Alabama and South Carolina before, but generally speaking for anything above 100 miles from Atlanta you'll be paying more for our travel time than the actual performance.
  • What support options are available? +

    We know of a few restaurants in Atlanta that serve Hawaiian food that we can refer you to (they cater). We currently do not have connections to fire dancers or musicians.
  • What additional services are available? +

    We can dance, we can teach how to dance. We can lead a group through a dance. We can assist with other luau party favorite activities (though not hawaiian in origin) such as limbo. If you want, we also have belly dancers (see AtlantaBellyDance.com)
  • Who are our partners? +

    We are part of Atlanta Belly Dance. We use their studios for teaching classes and workshops, and you can rent their studios for your event as well.
  • What languages do we offer support in? +

    We speak fluent English and German. If you email us in Spanish, we have translators.
  • What job opportunities are available? +

    We are always looking for dancers, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. We are also looking for fire dancers and musicians.
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What is your standard program?

Most events (birthday parties, luau events) involve the following:

  • One dancer, we bring our music and a boombox.
  • The dancer performs a short show (about 6 dances) featuring different island style dances (graceful Hawaiian and energetic Tahitian dances).
  • The dancer then gets the guests on the dance floor and teaches them a few moves
  • The dancer then leads the guests through a dance based on the moves that they learned
  • The standard program is about 30-45min long.

We can customize our program for your event by

  • Involve multiple dancers: Many dances are much more impressive if they are performed by a group of dancers. Your budget is the limit.
  • We can greet guests when they arrive.
  • We can hand out leis (you provide)
  • We can pose for pictures

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Via Phone (404) 638-6530 (10am-10pm ET)

or Email us at info@AtlantaHulaDance.com